Private home - Facade

This recent project was executed for a private home owner, in the region of Sint Denijs.
Home owner
Description project
This project was executed by the home owner and with the technical advice from Mathys Paints technical service team.
For the wooden roof edge, the process required a pretreatment, degreasing the substrate by applying a mixture of ND14 in water with a sprayer. Afterwards all non-adherent layers were removed down to the sound substrate. Finally, the whole roof edge was sanded and degreased and joints were sealed with Elastopro.
After sanding, the bare parts were provided with a layer of Fassiforce. The entire surface was treated with a layer of Zinsser Coverstain and finished with two coats of Fassilux Satin.
Exterior walls were treated over the whole of a layer with Pegafix and a layer of Murfill Waterproofing. To finish off the whole there was 1 layer of Paracem Universal. You can also use Paracem Semi-Mat or Paracem Semi-Gloss. The higher the gloss level, the less fast dirt adhesion.